Bubonic Plague

prior to the bubonic plague the population growth humans demonstrate a logistic increase came form the warming of the climate. After the plague the population growth has changed to not increasing as much as it did before the plague. The significance of the black death was a ragging disease that caused the death of many people in the middle ages and contributed to the end of feudalism. I think the best therapist for them during the middle ages is an occupational therapist because the deal with physical medicine.

project #3 reflection

we have been using our time wisely and making sure we get everything done in time because the project has gone by very fast. I am happy with the work we have completed so far. we all worked hard to get what we have done now. It might have some adjustments but very minor things. we can start to add lots of details and images to get our point across and have references so its not so unknowledgeable about what we are trying to get our point across.

$150,000 bonus!

I would choose to be a gynecologist because it is what i want to do. I dont want to do it for the money i want to do it because it is a intrest of mine. The career i would no do will have to be a cookout worker. It has nothing to do with the medical field. It does not have a good income, and if i get free food i will be super hefty!

How Many Slaves Do I Have?…

In a survey taken I own 74 slaves! The most shocking is result Is that the thing that increased my slave number the most is the number of clothes i have. That was more then half of my highest score. If i can change anything to decrease the number of slaves i own i would try  to give away some of my clothes. Giving away clothes to me is like taking all my money. I love to shop and my clothes i dont know if that is the best thing to do. I guess i will just use less beauty products        that might be a better solution!

Reflection about me

the medical word for head is known as Cephalic. My dreams And goals are to become an ob/gyn and open my own practice. My goal for my practice is to be very successful and be able to expand into multiple practices. The term for ear is oto. Things i listen to is music  and people when holding a conversation. Another word for stomach is gastr. I would like to eat right know. A big juicy burger and a side of fries! With a large sprite! Another word for heart is cardi. Some thing i feel strongly about is my education and my future. Anus/ or rectum also means proct. Some thing i would like to get rid of is having personal problems. Some things that are stressful is these projects and problems with people i dont want to have.

Reflection on Previous project

Some of the challenges of the past project was getting everything done. For example When we were all on the website together And we saved our work it will delete other peoples progress. That was the hardest part for me because you will get all upset and have to start all over. I dont think there will be many challenges in this project that will effect us majorly. If we do have any problems in this project i will talk openly with my group. With is group i think this group will work because we all will work together to finish this project. I dont thin this group will have any problems with the people that is in it.


What are the 3 main causes of deforestation?

  • Industrial cutting down the forest to make room for factories and or places for people to live.
  • Agriculture Cutting down the forest to grow crops.
  • Livestock the farmers clear the land for a place to keep the livestock.

What are 2 major problems with deforestation of tropical rainforest?

  • The more trees we cut down the less carbon dioxide being absorbed by the trees. It will cause earth not to balance out
  • Reducing the habitat for animals Causing them to reduce in population size

What medical benefits can be provided from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil?

  • Over a quarter of the medicines used today come from the Amazon rainforest.
  • 3,000 plants have be identified as cancer fighting plants
  • 25% of active ingredients in cancer fighting drugs comes from the amazon rainforest
  • 70% of plants found have anticancer properties only found in the amazon rainforest.

Has there been an increase or decrease of logging in the amazon rainforest? why?

  • There has been a decrease this is because many natural parks and conservation areas have been placed in the amazon rainforest. A lot of these for the people of the amazon rainforest so they may still use the same methods as in the past

In Borneo, what is the main reason for deforestation in the forest?

  • The main reason for deforestation in Borneo is the palm oil industry. Palm oil can be found in everyday things you use like shampoo.

Would i change my management strategy for yesterday? why?

  • Yes because I would have less land developed and more forests that was saved. Also i would have less Farm land developed to. After watching these videos and seeing how unbalanced we are making the earth. It makes you want to save some part of the earth for the animals and plants that belong in the environment.

What are the difficulties that people encounter when trying to divide a limited resources?

There are many difficulties that accure when trying to divide a limited resources. Who gets more? Who gets less? It brings up many questions and problems. Like who deserves more then the others. If you are trying to divide land who needs more of the land then the others. If building and making room for the people is more dominant then having farmland or saving the forest. Why One side gets less then the other is it because they are less important? Well in some way they all are important. Saving the forest will save the habitats of the animals and give them a place to live. Farming is important because It provides food to people and can be a helpful resource. Land developing is important because they are making room for the growing population of the people. Its hard to divide a resources that is important to each one of them somehow in some way.

Unit 2 sink or swim Reflection

What went well in our project was we got it done on time and finished our project through many problems. I would use the website again because it was a well rounded site and it had many themes and think you could add into the website that gives it character. Some things i would change is making sure everyone knows what they are doing and what needs to be done. Another thing is making sure people are not on at the same time because it will delete your work. A lot of the challenges i fought on this project i didn’t fight with other projects. Both my partners worked well and we got it done and everyone was happy. I think that this project will give me a better grade because we added a lot of detail pictures and videos to help with understand what we were talking about. It was very colorful and well structured. This is why i believe i will get a better grade on this project.

7 billion people and More…..

There have been many people that have walked on this earth in the past and the present. Finding out that 5,986,251,260 people have been born when i was born is a Huge amount of people. From all around the world that todays technology can figure things out like that. Since i was born 569,154,577 people have died. It means that the global population is increasing faster then it is decreasing because more babies are being born then people are dying. Did you know about every second 5 people are born! This means for global resources that it will take more of the resources we have on earth to make sure everyone has what is needed. When 9 billion people will roam the earth i will be 46. I think earth will look totally different because we will have cut down lots of forest. It will also be less resources on earth because we use them so rapidly. My city has increased by 281,421 people from when i was born to now. The reason for this is reproduction its the 1 way to bring new life into the world.

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