My fav. article

my article was about a pregnant woman who was pregnant and got fired from her job. She was a nurse and got fired for refusing to get the flu vaccination. Since she was pregnant it was the best in her mind to not the the vaccination to protect her unborn child. It is interesting to me how she can get fired from her job because of a health concern. She is protecting her baby’s health and that should not be a way to just fire someone. Many people refuse to get the flu shot and is not getting fired from there job. So why should she?

Field trip tomorrow expectations

two interesting things i have learned from my project are The printing press. How it was so resourceful and how much it has revolved now. That versilus was an inspirational author. Yes i have been to many museums. i am expecting a good experience i have been there before so it will be good to refresh myself. Im not that excited but it is good to get away from school

What are the difficulties that people encounter when trying to divide a limited resources?

There are many difficulties that accure when trying to divide a limited resources. Who gets more? Who gets less? It brings up many questions and problems. Like who deserves more then the others. If you are trying to divide land who needs more of the land then the others. If building and making room for the people is more dominant then having farmland or saving the forest. Why One side gets less then the other is it because they are less important? Well in some way they all are important. Saving the forest will save the habitats of the animals and give them a place to live. Farming is important because It provides food to people and can be a helpful resource. Land developing is important because they are making room for the growing population of the people. Its hard to divide a resources that is important to each one of them somehow in some way.

Unit 2 sink or swim Reflection

What went well in our project was we got it done on time and finished our project through many problems. I would use the website again because it was a well rounded site and it had many themes and think you could add into the website that gives it character. Some things i would change is making sure everyone knows what they are doing and what needs to be done. Another thing is making sure people are not on at the same time because it will delete your work. A lot of the challenges i fought on this project i didn’t fight with other projects. Both my partners worked well and we got it done and everyone was happy. I think that this project will give me a better grade because we added a lot of detail pictures and videos to help with understand what we were talking about. It was very colorful and well structured. This is why i believe i will get a better grade on this project.

Sink or swim reflection

Our Project was in my opinion one of the more detailed presentations then the other groups. Thats something don very well in our group was details. The details helped us to get our points across and to help the viewers understand the concept. Another thing done well was the fact that we got everyone in our group to come together in collaboration and beside our very different personalities finish our project. some improvement that we can input into our future projects one of these things include being more prepared about having everything together before filming because then you have to keep going back and fix things and add things to make it better. Some more improvement that can be used in the future is having people in the group do more then they did. All the research and script making was two out of the three people doing work. I believe we did incorporate all parts of the rubric. We worked extremely hard to get every part of the Rubric into the project. We also tried to elaborate on each part and add lots of details. We broke every part down to get into each part of the project to make sure we accomplished the entire project.